Saturday, 12 April 2014

Watch Inaam Ghar Aamir Liaqat Show Stupidity

I can't control myself saying that "Pakistani People" can do any stupidity for prizes. Watch "Inaam Ghar" show of geo TV and see how this nation is being fooled by the stupid hosts. Aamir Liaqat is making joke of this nation. When Pakistani media would start creating good content and positivity in its creations?I can quote a program of "Dunya TV" named as "Hasb-e-Haal" which is full of entertainment and positivity. But, why geo TV is promoting the stupidity and stupid things in the name of entertainment? Is this the only entertainment method that you ask people to do foolish acts and laugh at them?
Watch This Video of Inaam Ghar
Analyze yourself what he is doing and what people are doing for the sake of prizes. Do you not think that we are being fooled in the name of entertainment by this stupid host?
انعام کے لالچ میں ہم لوگ کیسی کیسی حرکتیں کرتے ہیں..یہ ویڈیو دیکھ کر خود اندازہ لگائیں.....انٹرٹینمنٹ کے نام پر قوم اس جیسے جاہلوں کے ہاتھوں بیوقوف بنتی جا رہی ہے اور یہ اس قوم پر خوب ہنستا ہے...کہ کیسے یہ ہمارے بھائیوں اور بہنوں کو الو بنا کر بیہودہ حرکتیں کرواتا ہے...اس انعام گھر اور طارق عزیز کے انعام گھر میں زمین آسمان کا فرق نظر آتا ہے...ایک وہ شو تھا جس میں اچھی اچھی باتیں شیر کی جاتی تھیں اور انعام بھی دیے جاتے تھے اور ایک جیو ٹی وی کا یہ بیہودہ شو ہے جس میں سواے فضولیات کے کوئی اچھا کام نہیں ہوتا...

Saturday, 5 April 2014

Watch Pakistani Drama Vulgarity Discussion In Geo TV Drama

After watching this Pakistani drama on Geo TV, one can easily say that Vulgarity is a part of plan. It is named as "Do qadam door thay". I can't understand where those times are gone when Pakistani women were considered the careers of Islamic traditions. Nowadays, with a combined effort of Pakistani elite class & NGO's Pakistani media is openly spreading vulgarity in the society. The actresses are not ashamed of performing any vulgar discussion. They are easy to discuss and speak the that can't be spoken by a Muslim woman openly. Watch Pakistani Drama Vulgarity discussion in this Drama Video.

Why It's A Vulgar Pakistani Drama?
Now why I'm saying this? Why I rate it a vulgar drama of Geo TV? As a Muslim, Shyness and modesty is considered a jewel of Muslim women but such discussions can't be watched when someone is sitting with his/her family. Suppose, brothers & sisters are sitting together and watching TV with some of the other children and such discussion is there on TV, What would be the reaction on those small minds? What would they be thinking about such words? as used in this Geo TV Drama?

Geo TV Dramas Are Mostly Vulgar
Geo TV has a major plan in mind and that is the promotion of Indian culture and bringing the society to a stage where no-one thinks it wrong to talk vulgar. Mostly, the target is woman of Pakistan. Geo morning shows and Dramas are themed around Pregnancy talks, Divorce (Talaq), Extra-marital relations and Girls having Affairs with boys. Is there no other theme in Pakistani society? Why such things are being promoted?

How Pakistani Media is Affecting Woman of Pakistan?
Everyday, we see in news that Girls are committing suicides for love affairs and rape cases are on increase in Pakistan. This is the effect of Pakistani Vulgar media. People do what they see mostly on TV. Women are usually most affected by these channels. Let's see when government brings some media policy to meet an Islamic country's demand.

Watch Pakistani Drama Vulgarity Scene by usmankhan2

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

How Pakistani Media is destroying Pakistan

It is 100% true that Pakistani media is destroying Pakistan youth with both hands. Pakistani dramas and even the commercials are containing the theme of vulgarity and nudity. According to Islam, the vulgarity would be on extreme near the end of this world and people will stop considering it wrong. Same thing is being presented on our media under the name of selling topics. Same things and same themes are being repeated with a changed name on all Pakistani channels. We feel shame watching such Pakistani dramas
Pakistani media vulgarity is UN-stoppable
Nobody is trying to stop our media from this vulgarity trend. Sooner or later, the Pakistani media channel "Urdu A" is presenting a drama which contains a theme that a married women keeps extra-marital relations with another man and thinks it right. Watch this drama video below.
بالکل سو فیصد سچ کہا گیا کہ قیامت کے نزدیک بے غیرتی عام ہو جائے گی..اور برائی کو برائی سمجھنا ہی چھوڑ دیا جائے گا..ہمارے ملک میں آجکل یہی کچھ ہو رہا ہے...اور اسی طرح کی چیزیں بار بار دکھائی جا رہی ہیں جن میں سواے بےحیائی اور بے غیرتی کے کوئی مقصد شامل نہیں ہے...شرم آتی ہے ایسے ڈرامے دیکھ کر ....اور ان اداکاروں کی بے شرمی پر بھی جو چند پیسوں کی خاطر کیسے کیسے گھٹیا ڈرامے کرنے پر بھی تیار ہو جاتے ہیں..چند پیسوں کی خاطر گھٹیا ڈائلاگ اور بیہودہ حرکتیں...جو چاہے ان سے کروا لو..کچھ شرم نہیں کہ الله بھی دیکھ رہا ہے..اب اس چینل پر یہ گھٹیا ڈرامہ پیش کیا جائے گا جس میں یہی سکھایا جا رہا ہے کہ شادی کسی اور سے کرو اور ناجائز تعلق کسی اور سے رکھو